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Public Backlog
_is_mobile_ Liquid Detection
_is_mobile_ Liquid Detection
Suggestion for {{request.request_data.is_mobile}} to become {{request.request_data.device_class}} with the output being 'mobile|tablet|desktop|...' as this will provide greater flexibility and future scalability as more device types could be added in over time. eg: 'tv|watch|glasses|car|spaceship|...'.
Much like in BC we have {{globals.visitor.deviceClass}} giving us 'desktop|tablet|phone'.
The {{request.request_data.is_mobile}} just gives us a 'true|false' to whether it's mobile or not.
I feel that the BC way is more flexible and future-proof.
Just knowing whether a device is or is not a mobile is somewhat limiting and the distinction of what "mobile" actually means is becoming blurred.
Suggestion for the {{request}} objects to be simplified and become:
At present they are a little redundant like so:
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